18/09/2024 rainno

The Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument, part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), is a powerful tool to support interregional innovation projects in their commercialisation and scale-up phases. Through financial and advisory support, the I3 Instrument helps innovation actors overcome barriers and reach investment readiness, contributing to the development of sustainable EU value chains.

Key Funding Opportunities

The I3 Instrument offers two open call strands to support innovation needs:

  • Strand 1 (I3-2024-INV1): This call targets consortia from regions with shared smart specialisation areas. It aims to create or strengthen interregional and cross-border value chains by connecting regional innovation ecosystems and increasing EU value chain competitiveness. A budget of €31 million is available to bring innovations to market.
  • Strand 2a (I3-2024-INV2a): Focuses on supporting consortia from less developed regions to integrate into EU value chains. The call provides funding to help regions scale up mature innovations, create new value chains, and foster collaboration between SMEs from less and more developed regions. The total budget for this call is €36 million.

Projects are expected to range between 18 and 36 months, while project budgets (maximum grant amount) are expected to range between €2 million and €10 million per project. The number of partners per project should be a minimum of five and three for Strand 1 and 2a respectively, coming from different Member States and regional ecosystems. The submitted applications under this call for proposals must address one of the following thematic priorities:


The I3 Instrument’s work programme is aligned with Smart Specialisation and interregional collaboration. It fosters stronger connections between regional ecosystems and helps accelerate the market uptake of research results, which is vital for Europe’s innovation landscape.

Whether you are aiming to:

  • Create new interregional value chains,
  • Strengthen regional innovation ecosystems, or
  • Scale up mature innovations,

The I3 Instrument provides the necessary tools to succeed. I3 Instrument business investment cases begin at a minimum Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6, aiming to support demonstration activities and speed up market adoption and commercialisation. The development of these cases is driven by regional innovation ecosystems, with companies taking a leading role.

Deadline for applications: 5 December 2024, 17:00 (CET)

How We Can Support Your Innovation

At Rainno, we specialize in securing EU funds through expertly crafted proposals. Our team will guide you through the complex application process and ensure your project is aligned with the I3 objectives to maximize your chances of success.


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